Monday 1 July 2013


End of year productions are over in some parts of the country this week, and so far have been a resounding start to the performance season. In north west Ireland, the students acted their hearts out! Here are some pictures from 'The Snake Charmer' - a Lower Primary production for children up to the age of 9.
The Sultan and his daughter Princess Yasmin

A similar production of the play was staged in the Glasgow area.
In Ireland, again, the children produced their version of 'The Sword In The Stone'
Will that sword come out of that stone?
This one obviously won't!
And these knights are most annoyed because they couldn't extract the sword!
In Scotland, too, the end of term has arrived. These pictures are from Glasgow Principal Jackie Andrew:

The Snake Charmer

Pirates on the open seas! The Bold Buccaneers.
Also in Scotland, Tayforth Principal, Barbara Brett, finished her shows last weekend - to great acclaim!
Youth Theatre production - Blood On Their Hands?
Youth Theatre production - Soap Suds
This week, Principals in England have started their productions so be sure to check back for more pictures during the next couple of weeks.

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