Tuesday 18 June 2013


The first Helen O'Grady Drama Academy opened in Tokyo last September and they have recently completed their first set of year-end productions. Principal, Tenie Sangma, even showed a selection of exercises from her Kindy Drama class, and they all took the opportunity to dress as dinosaurs!

Tenie runs away from the STRONG dinosaurs!

"I can't see my teacher anywhere!"

"Now no-one can see me!"
Older children presented their rendition of "The Wedding" and the "Sword In The Stone". These are the great sets they used:
The wedding car ready to take the bride and groom on honeymoon.
"Who will be king?"
Parents were thrilled to see their children performing for the first time:

"My husband and I wanted to congratulate you (and your husband) for a fabulous show today.  Everyone did a fantastic job and we were pleased to see how Sara had grown over the last few months.  She thoroughly enjoyed herself and we are proud of her!

Thank you and your team for all the great work!

Good night.  Nami"

"BRAVO! Great job, Tenie!  You have worked so hard, and today's performance was a fabulous culmination of your efforts!  We all enjoyed the performances tremendously and feel very proud of Kjerstin and her peers.  Thank you!!!

Now, sit back and relax!

"Thank you for the beautiful show today! The children were amazing!
He REALLY loves drama! :)
You must be sighing with relief and happiness that it all went so well!

Love Gaelle and Gabriel"

Tenie offers her excellent Helen O'Grady classes through her company Tokyo Bees.  

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